
  • Release date : Nov 6 2016 - 11:09
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Cheik Anta Diop university delegation visited shahid beheshti university of medical sciences (SBUMS)

Cheik Anta Diop university delegation consisting of professor Thioub Ibrahima the university chancellor,
professor Ndiaye Amadou Falilou the vice chancellor and Sow Amadou Abdoul head of literature department visited shahid beheshti university of medical sciences on 9thof august 2016. the meeting held in vice-chancellor department with the presence of Dr.Naghibzadeh  vicechancellor of international department ,Dr.Rasekh director of international relations and Dr Palesh  the executive consultant and director of chancellor’s office. At the beginning Dr.Palesh  welcomed and introduced Shahid beheshti university of medical sciences .

Professor Thioub Ibrahima also introduced Cheik Anta Diop University and both parties declared their interest to initiate the bilateral cooperation. Then the delegation visited school of Medicine and Dr.Tonekaboni presented the educational curriculum at different academic levels such as undergraduate, post graduate, specialization and subspecialties. At the end of the meeting the delegation had an inside tour of the anatomy department including dissection halls, skills lab, Library  and IT section .

  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 34961