
  • Release date : Feb 15 2017 - 14:41
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A complicated facial reconstruction operation using modern technologies in the oral and maxillofacial department of Taleghani hospital

In November 6, 2016, a 62-year-old man underwent a complicated facial reconstruction operation using modern technologies in the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery of Taleghani hospital, Tehran, Iran.

In this 12-hour operation, Dr Hamed Mohammadi, OMFS, fellowship in oncology and microvascular head and neck surgery from Worcestershire Acute hospital, UK, and Dr Hossein   Behnia,   full   professor   in   OMFS   department   of   Shahid   Beheshti   School   of dentistry   and   Taleghani   hospital,   residents   from   departments   of   OMFS,   ENT,   and orthopedics cooperated and employed two up-to-date worldwide technologies.

Dr Behnia told that the patient has lost a large amount of neck, upper and lower jaw, nose  and tongue  tissues due  to  a gunshot  accident  since  2013. The  reconstructive operation includes multiple stages. Reconstruction of lower jaw and soft tissues of neck and floor of the mouth has already been started. After a comprehensive 3-dimensional anatomical reconstruction using CT-scan, a special titanium plate has been prepared by the manufacturer. In the next step, based on a 3D CT-scan of leg bone, an accurate template has been produced to be used as a model for making bony graft from fibula. 

This graft which included soft tissues and vessels transferred to the defect site of jaw bone and fixed with  late and screws.  Arterial and venal anastomose to neck vessels has been immediately established. Dr Behnia added: The other new technology in this operation which increases success rate is Doppler. Using Doppler in the anastomose site will make the monitoring more accurate which in turn helps in diagnosis of any probable problems in blood vessels and acting accordingly.

He stated that the general condition of the patient is satisfactory and next stages of the operation  will   take   place  in   the   next   months.   Finally,  Dr  Behnia,   acknowledged  the sincere cooperation of Dr Peivandi, dean of the Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Dr Eghbal, dean of the Shahid Beheshti School of dentistry, Dr Mohammad Alizadeh, dean of Taleghani hospital, Dr Bahman Malek, dean of the operation room, Dr Vosoughian,   anesthetist,   contribution   of   the   department   of   ENT,  the   department   of orthopedics, Mohammad Abdolhosseini,   supervisor   of  the  operation   room   and other personnel who took part in this operation

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