
  • Release date : Apr 27 2014 - 14:24
  • View : 4193
  • Visitor : 40
  • Study time : 4 minute(s)

A delegation from Oman Ministry of Health (OMH) visited the University

Dr. Obeid Saeedi, the Oman Health Minister, and his delegation in the field of medical education were invited by his Iranian counterpart to initiate negotiations, visit pharmaceutical, health care centers and sign a unilateral memorandum of cooperation and get familiar with educational and therapeutically capabilities of Iran. The first visit was made to the medical school of SBUMS on Sunday 04. 19.2014 during which Dr. Haeri, the University Chancellor Senior Advisor, and Dr. Gharehbaghian, Director of international affairs, made a brief speech to introduce the university. Afterwards, Dr. Adhar Al Mawali, (OMH) Director of Research and Studies and Dr. Salem bin Said Al Touby, Dean, Oman Nursing Institute brought up some questions regarding admission of foreign students, fellowships/scholarships and short term training courses which were responded by Dr. Haeri. Moreover, he declared that the university is ready to admit students in medical and nursing courses of education from diploma in the Persian Language, PHD students and fellowship in the English Language and short term specialized educational courses for specialists and researchers in training healthcare centers, research centers and laboratories. Then, while visiting immunology laboratory, Dr. Sattari, head of education of the SBMU Medical School, explained about educational and research programs of the laboratory. They visited the cellular and molecular laboratory as well.

The Omanis delegation, on the second day of their visit, in Labafi Nejad Hospital met with the officials of the center, and made a visit to the Center for Excellence Eye and Urology. First, Dr. Sohrabpour, the ex-head of the Hospital, welcomed the guests and introduced the Hospital. Afterwards, Dr. Yazdani, ophthalmologist, gave complete and comprehensive explanations regarding Iran Center for Excellence Eye located in Labafi Nejad Educational Hospital. The delegation asked some questions about holding educational courses, required qualifications for student admission, length of the training courses, congresses and previously held courses which were replied by Dr. Yazdani. Dr. Zare also added that 6000 cornea transplantation are annually performed, nearly 1000 of which are done in this eye center, which is among the top 10 cornea transplantation centers.

Dr. Simforoush, Head of the Urology DPT, made a speech on his cooperation with the hospital and scientific programs including training of medical students, residents and fellowships.

Then, the delegation have a visit The Center for Excellence Eye and Urology Department , through which Dr. Eynollahi, Head of the Center, explained about educational facilities and services such as virtual education, E-Learning, previously performed surgeries, in particular cornea transplantation without anesthesia and suture. In urology DPT, Dr. Simforoush provided some details related to the ward, patients conditions and the Iranian Textbook of Urology.

The third day of the visit took place in Taleghani Hospital, and the delegation was accompanied by Dr. Gharehbaghian. They met with a group of physicians, nurses and hospital authorities, and Dr. Dehghan, deputy of education, briefly introduced the hospital and gave details about the number of beds, different wards, operation rooms, clinics and par clinics as well as the number of currently active research centers.

Then, the delegation asked some questions regarding the majors presented by the university in which students are admitted in fellowship and length of the courses. Dr. Gharehbaghian and Dr. Dehghan gave clear details in terms of different steps of student admission according to the rules and regulations of the ministry of health as well as student admission for short term courses. Ms. Mohamadi Nia, from quality improvement unit, briefly spoke about standardization of hospitals in Iran. The delegation was interested to know about the formation of research centers and their budget supply. Dr. Gharehbaghian in reply to their questions stated that research centers are established based on the rules and regulations of the health ministry according to the needs of the country and university, and their budget is independently supplied by outer university resources, and the rest is supplied by university.

Afterwards, the delegation visited the bone marrow transplant DPT of the hospital, and Dr. Haji Fatali, head of the DPT, provided some details on admitted patients , trend of treatment, follow up and overall performance of the ward. He also stated that this department is capable to admit Omanis patients and provide specialized training for the Omanis specialists in the field of bone marrow transplantation.

In the end, being glad about the visits, the delegation hoped to initiate collaborations in different fields of research and treatment with SBMU in the near future. 

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  • News code : 9749