
  • Release date : Aug 4 2017 - 15:00
  • View : 2302
  • Visitor : 53
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ASIC officials had their first visit from Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences

The meeting of the international accreditation service for international schools, collages and universities (ASIC) with the presence of the Chancellor of the University Dr. Ali Asghar Peyvandi and high ranking university officials was held at Beheshti Hall. 

The official opening ceremony of the meeting starterd with Dr. Ali Asghar Peyvandi's speech. In this meeting the ASIC officers, Mr. Lee Hammond, CEO, Dr. Lawrence Watson, Chief Inspector and Dr. Javad Rangiha, Inspector were present. Also, the university Vice-Chancellors and high ranking officials of the university were present as well. 

Dr. Mehrdad Faizi, the Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs introduced the structure of international affairs and provided a brief report of international affairs and it's outstanding achievements in international collaboration with countries like Italy, France, Australia and Portugal. 

Following Dr. Faizi's speech other Vice-Chancellors and high ranking officials of the university presented there presentation in regards to the main activities for preparation of the accreditation process. 

Following that the ASIC officers had a two day tour of various schools of the university, which included the school of medicine, school of dentistry, and the school of pharmacy. During there visit all the international documents were reviewed by the ASIC officers. 

It should be noted that accreditation in the international arena is one of the international indicators that provides prestigious educational services to the university, which can lead to the admission of more international students to study at our university. 

The first phase of the evaluation process of international accreditation of the university was completed and the result will be reported to the university Chancellor by ASIC officials.


  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 46292