
  • Release date : Mar 4 2014 - 16:07
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Collaboration Memorandum Signed between the SBMU Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center & India’s Amity University Research Director

In line with expanding international and inter-sectoral collaborations, a collaboration memorandum was signed between the SBMU Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center (PSRC) & India’s Amity University. The PSRC Director, Professor Hosseini Shirazi, and Amity University Research Director, Professor Qamar Rahman, faculty member of Amity University India signed the 7-article memorandum on February, 23 this year. The general agenda of the memorandum includes research and academic collaborations, as well as educational promotion in the two centers. The other parts of the memorandum range from development and support of joint research projects, sabbatical leaves, to having PhD exchange students and scientific visits, as well as holding workshops. The two sides have committed themselves to follow the memorandum articles based on the rules and regulations of the two nations. The two sides have also agreed to work on the details of the memorandum articles when the need arises. While expressing his happiness for signing the memorandum, Professor Rahman called it “an effective step” towards the inter-central collaborations of the universities. He had also visited several academic and research centers in Iran during his visit and noted that the academic and research level of Iran is moving towards the developed nations. He also said that the presence of female academicians in Iran and their interactions with male ones may be a suitable pattern for other Moslem nations. Professor Hosseini Shirazi, the SBMU PSRC Director was also hopeful about signing the memorandum and noted that it will be fruitful in line the SBMU goals & objectives.

  • News group : PublicNews
  • News code : 8700