
  • Release date : Apr 16 2019 - 11:21
  • View : 702
  • Visitor : 45
  • Study time : Less than one minute

Dr. Sangyoung Ahn, WHO Technical Officer for Traditional Medicine, visited the SBMU School of Traditional Medicine on 22nd January.


During this visit, Dr. Mahmoud Mosaddegh, to whom the revival of Iranian Traditional Medicine is very much indebted, described the history of traditional medicine, the famous scholars, as well as the philosophy of establishing the Schools of Iranian Traditional Medicine and the resulting achievements. Subsequently, Dr. Ahn visited various sections of the School and the Traditional Medicine and Materia Medica Research Center (TMRC), including the Clinic, the Natural Product Pharmacy, the Herbarium and the laboratories.


  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 73629