
  • Release date : Nov 10 2017 - 12:28
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Earning an international accreditation certificate for Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences

According to the report of the ASIC International Accreditation Institute, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences obtained an international accreditation certificate.


In order to execute the resolution of the Board of Governors dated June 20, 2016 and the Council of International Affairs dated June 15, 2016 and the order of the university's Chancellor to realize internationalization; under the guidance of Dr. Feizi, the Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs and Dr. Dalai, Director of International Accreditation and Ranking and with the partnership of university's international accreditation network, implementation of indicators, completion of information and documentation requested by the international and accredited organization ASIC, over the course of two years, the endless effort has finally concluded.


Following the request of the office of the Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs to declare readiness to establish international accreditation, the visit of the chief and inspectors of the ASIC organization took place in May, 2017 from the university headquarters, colleges and research centers, and the ASIC organization sent the accreditation approval letter for 4 years to the chancellor of the university.


The Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs congratulates the members of the board of trustees, the board of directors, professors, staff and students of the university. Obviously, this success is due to the significant efforts of headquarters assistants, chairs of research institutes and research centers and the board of directors of subsidiary schools. Also, it is worthy to thank the Chancellor of University, Dr. Ali Asghar Peyvandi for his guidance and support, as well as the efforts and selfless assistants of university Vice-Chancellor's, respected Dean's of School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy as well as the efforts of Dr. Lak, Mr. Royafar and Mr. Shahabadi, representatives of the administration and resources development Affairs, Mr. Bolvardi representative of the academic affairs, Mr. Vazifehshenas representative of the research and technology affairs, Mrs. Rahimi Tabassi representative of student and cultural affairs, Dr. Farajzadeh, Ms. Bakhtom, Dr. Rahimi and Dr. Mafi directors and representatives of the international affairs in the interests of other colleagues in this field and international contributors to affiliated colleges, which constitute the international network of international accreditation.


After reaching this success, Dr. Dalai, the Director of International Accreditation and Ranking, announced the next four years of the university's plan to further promote the international accreditation of the university in various fields. In this regard, he stressed the importance of developing an international accreditation plan for the next four years, undertaking corrective actions, conducting internal evaluations, providing the necessary infrastructure, prioritizing indicators and evaluating the university by other international institutions.

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  • News code : 50244