
  • Release date : Nov 21 2016 - 13:20
  • View : 1734
  • Visitor : 39
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Foreign students visit school of medicine

Some of our new foreign medical students from neighboring countries had an inside tour of school of medicine on sunday 21stof August. the visit started with the respectful and  honorable presence of Dr.Haeeri, the international communication consultant and Dr.Tonekaboni Vice Chancellor in post-graduation education .

Dr.Haeeri welcomed all the students and explained the quality and quantity of medical education at Shahid Beheshti  University of Medical Sciences.

The rest of the tour was completed by visiting the Anatomy department, Microbiology and Genetic departments. The Tour ended by visiting the central library, IT section, skills laboratory and class rooms.

  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 35618