
  • Release date : Mar 21 2019 - 13:42
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Happy New Year from the Chancellor

Dr. Mohammad Aghajani, the Chancellor of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, wished all Christians across the globe a Happy New Year. 

Dr. Aghajani's message is as follows: 

Iran and Iranian people believe in brotherhood and equality for centuries and are proud of the peaceful coexistence of religions in this ancient land. Undoubtedly, such capacity is inspired by the divine messengers, especially the school of peace and friendship of Jesus Christ. 

Learning from such a school and its practice should be considered an international interaction, especially in academia, and most of the academic community has achieved great success with the inspiration from the divine prophetic guidelines, they must also be fully successful with the practice of these teachings.

 For 2019, I would like to congratulate my fellow Christians, especially the Christians of the academic community. Also, I would like to wish a Happy New Year with health and prosperity and justice for all.

 Dr. Mohammad Aghajani

Chancellor of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences

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  • News code : 72507