
  • Release date : Nov 22 2015 - 09:40
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Health minister of Afghanistan visited Health House of Afjeh & Lavasan Healthcare Center

Dr. Firouzeddin Firouz, Minister of Public Health of Afghanistan, along with Afghani delegation visited Health House of Afjeh & Payambar Akram Healthcare Center in Lavasan on Monday, 24 August, 2015.   

In this visit, which was in line with developing mutual collaboration in the area of health, treatment and medical education, Dr. Arshi, vice chancellor in health affairs, Dr. Naqib Zadeh, vice chancellor in international affairs, Dr. Nasri nia, Head of Shemiranat Health Network and a group of other officials from the Ministry of Health accompanied the Afghani delegation.

Dr. Arshi mentioned that Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences is in charge of health and treatment affairs of a large number of population in Tehran and covers five million and two hundred people which is the biggest coverage spectrum. 

SBMU Vice Chancellor in Health Affairs stated that rural residential areas are provided with primary health care in Health Houses. It is notable that personnel of health houses used to have primary school education only, but today due to increased level of academic education in rural areas, educated people from those areas are selected to work in health houses and provide their villages with health care services.

It is worth mentioning that Health Minister of Afghanistan expressed his satisfaction with primary health care services (PHC) in Iran, and had a very positive attitude towards activities carried out in the health system. In the end, he signed the guest book and wished health and luck for health personnel in Iran.

  • News group : PublicNews
  • News code : 23088