
  • Release date : Feb 4 2017 - 11:12
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Holding the first international training course of emergence medicine titled "incidents management with mass casualties" with collaboration of Great Paris university academic-hospitals institution.

The first international training course of emergence medicine titled "incidents management with mass casualties" was held by the effort of Shahid Beheshti medical science international assistance and with collaboration of Great Paris university academic-hospitals institutions in 15/8/95 to 17/8/95 in Shahid Beheshti medical science university medical training college location.

In this training course, Iranian and French professors provided the last achievements related to incidents management field during 3 days.

Participants mostly were of medical science universities 's emergence medicine managers of throughout the country, disasters and incidents field managers in ministry of health, treatment and medical training, Red crescent of Islamic Republic of Iran, country emergence organization and students and graduates of disasters and incidents management expertism courses.

By the end of the last day of training course, Tehran municipality's incidents management organization site was visited by the French team and participants and in the end, international certification was issued for every participant.

  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 38868