
  • Release date : Apr 8 2016 - 14:58
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Italian delegation visited the head of National Nutrition and Food Technology Research Institute (NNFTRI)

Dr. Hedayat hussaini the head NNFTRI, accepted  a delegation from  finance ministry of Italy on January the 10th .In this meeting, Dr. Hussaini declared Iran’s tendency in writing a memorandum of understanding with Italy in terms of food technology. He asserted that by lifting sanctions imposed on Iran, a suitable ground will be established to further collaboration between two countries.

In this meeting which was aimed to strengthen bilateral cooperation between Iran and Italy, Dr.Hussaini explained the structure of the NNFTRI of Iran and discussed the way to making bilateral cooperation between Iran and Italy.

Afterwards, the Italian delegation made some clarifications about the last visit of Italian finance minister to Iran in order to encourage huge business and economic relations.  The Italian delegation stated that Italy is interested in establishing strong financial ties with Iran by knowing the needs of the Iran’s market, which paves the way for a satisfactory investment in Iran.       

  • News group : PublicNews
  • News code : 27884