
  • Release date : May 12 2022 - 09:03
  • View : 104
  • Visitor : 103
  • Study time : Less than one minute

Joint International Teaching in the Department of Management and Psychiatric Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, with the participation of Johns Hopkins University

Department of Management and Psychiatric Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, in order to develop international educational interactions and strengthen the professional role, held training sessions with the collaboration of the visiting professor, Dr. Karan Keverno, professor at Johns Hopkins University, USA, and the participation of graduate students and faculty membersof the department. The last session of these sessions ended on February 15, 2022 with the title of developing the role of psychiatric nursing in the field of population-based care of mental health and in the form of discussion. In this session, Dr. Keverno discussed the history of expanding the role of psychiatric nurses from acute hospital care to primary prevention in the community and continuing to address population-based mental health plans and the role of advanced pychiatric-mental health nurses in the development of mental health services and ways to develop this role were discussed.


  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 113911