
  • Release date : Sep 27 2023 - 11:02
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Vice- Chancellor of International Affairs

Joint meeting of directors of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Szeged university

Dr. Laszlo Rovo, Rector of the Szeged University, during his trip to Iran, paid a visit to Dr. Zali, Chancellor of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and discussed expansion of scientific-educational-research cooperation.

Dr. Zali, University Chancellor, on September 24, 2023, had a meeting with Dr. Lazlo Roo, Rector of the Szeged University, and accompanying delegation in order to survey approaches that lead to the expansion of scientific-educational-research cooperation between the two countries.

While referring to the broad capacities of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences Dr. Zali suggested: “Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences is responsible for providing health and treatment services to over 6 million people of Tehran inhabitants.”

He also explained potentials and infrastructure of this university and said: “this university has 12 faculties, and 13600 students who are studying in 125 different fields of study. Moreover, this university has 20 hospitals and medical-training centers, and 1555 faculty members.” 

Dr. Zali said: “we have 256 diverse departments, and we try to provide and facilitate ways of international partnerships. Establishing inter-university communication and interdisciplinary collaboration is one of our priorities, and we are ready to expand our joint cooperation in various fields in line with the development of knowledge-scientific interactions, exchange of professors and students, implementation of joint courses, holding short-term specialty courses, conducting joint-research projects, holding supplementary and specialty courses in different fields with Hungarian academic centers.

Mr. Laszlo Rovo expressed his interest in cooperation and scientific-educational-research relations with Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and declared: “our university with more than 440 years antiquity in the 4 main departments of Health, Inventions, Development, and Technology is active. In addition, Szeged University with 12 faculties, 19 sub-specialty schools, 29 research groups, and 200 industrial partners is active in research-scientific- educational domains.

While explaining international activities of Szeged University, Mr. Laszlo Rovo stated: “now 26000 students, 20 percent of whom are among international students and are studying at our university. We are in contact with 130 different nations and countries. 2225 professors and scientists in the university of Szeged are active.

The Rector of Szeged University enumerated the measures taken in the field of health in this university and said: “Annually, 74,000 inpatients, 2,400,000 outpatients receive medical services, and 4,500 personnel of this department provide laboratory services to 900,000 people. All these potentials are prepared to establish a joint health-science partnership and we hope to witness more interuniversity relations in the future.”

Dr. Zarghi, Vice-Chancellor of Research and Technology of SBUMS, while presenting a comprehensive report on the university’s research activities, stated that 78 research centers and 130 knowledge-based companies exist at the university, and joint research projects in various domains are also conducted. 

By indicating the SBUMS’s ranking in the international ranking system Dr. Zarghi said: “according to the Shanghai ranking system, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences was ranked among the top 1000 universities in the world with a rank of 701 to 800 and obtained second rank among the medical sciences universities of the country, moreover the ranks of this university in webometric and Liden ranking system are 626 and 413.

He continued his speech by announcing that over 43 English journals indexed on global authentic sites are published. And based on the latest ranking of Clarivate Analytics, 13 number of research journals of SBUMS’ succeeded to obtain impact factor of 2023, which is an incredible record among the other journals in the country. 


It is worth mentioning that at the end of this meeting MOU were concluded between two universities.   

In this meeting Dr. Zarghi, Vice-Chancellor of Research and Technology of SBUMS, Dr. Haeri, university Chancellor’s Advisor, Dr. Piri University Chancellor’s Advisor and Head of Directorate, Mr. Karimi, Head of Public Relations of the university, Dr. Tohidloo Executive Vice-Chancellor of the International Affairs, and some of the officials of the international affairs were present.        

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  • News code : 131993



