
  • Release date : Jul 22 2023 - 07:12
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Vice- Chancellor of International Affairs

Meeting of scientific cooperation table between China and Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences

This meeting that was held following the workshop of August 17th in which based on announcement published the research-scientific capacities and opportunities of China for international university cooperation were presented

The first meeting of the Executive Committee of Medical Scientific Cooperation of the University related to virtual desk of Shahid Beheshti University of medical Sciences and China on Tuesday  August 28, 2022 with presence of Dr. Akhotian, Director of International Relations Development of the International Affairs, Dr. Haq Parast, Desk Official, Dr. Malekan, Dr. Mirmoqtadai, Ms. Izadi, Dr. Hossein Pour Niazi, Dr. Bankdar, applicants for membership in the said committee, and the experts of the International Deputy’s department at the department of international affairs was held


This meeting that was held following the workshop of August 17th   in which based on announcement published the research-scientific capacities and opportunities of China for international university cooperation were presented, was used as a way to introduce and clarify plans and duties of Iran-China executive committee desk of cooperation for other groups and the faculty members, all these happened after reviewing research-scientific records of the candidates.


This meeting dealt with introduction of applicants who intended to be a member of committee of programs declaration, besides the future activities of the desk by the Chinese official were presented. 


 Finally, each person's professional field and scope of scientific-research interest were determined, and more people with enthusiasm to be a part of this program were placed at the top of the agenda.

  • News group : PublicNews
  • News code : 129393



