
  • Release date : May 24 2019 - 14:51
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Memorandum of Understanding was signed between Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and University of Turin, Italy


In line with the internationalization of medical education and research of the university, which began two years ago, with the help and support of Dr. Seyed Jalil Hosseini, Head of the Men's Health and Reproductive Health Research Center on the sidelines of the joint cardiology conference on Wednesday, February 27, 2019, a memorandum of understanding was signed between Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and the University of Turin, Italy.
The agreement was followed by expert reviews of various departments of immunology, anatomy, embryology, urology and, in particular reconstructive urology between the two universities. The authorities of the two universities were interested in the initiation and development of scientific and research activities through memorandum of understanding between the two universities.During a meeting held in November 2017 at the School of Medicine with the presence of Dean of School of Medicine and a representative of University of Turin,
 Italy, and representatives from the Department of Reconstructive Urology of the Shohada Hospital, Department of Immunology, Department of Embryology and the Office of Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs, which led to drafting a memorandum of understanding in the areas of mutual interest.
The provisions of this MoU were made between the two universities with the support of the head of the Men's Health and Reproductive Health Research Center, the Department of Urology of University of Turin and the academic representative of the University of Turin, Dr. Omid Reza Sedigh and prepared by the office of Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs and signed by the two university heads.
At the end of the meeting, Dr. Babak Sharif Kashani, Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs and Professor Antonio Amoroso representative of the University of Turin Rector, expressed his satisfaction with signing the memorandum of understanding.
The parties also expressed their hope that they would deepen relations with academics, students, residents, fellowships, PhD students and collaborative research between different departments of the two universities


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  • News code : 75001