Representatives of Sechenov University visited the university and the Ministry of Health and Medical Education

On May 7th2018, Dr. Mohammad Aghajani, the chancellor of university with his vice-chancellors met with the Russian delegation consisting of Mr. Svistunov, first vice-rector, and Ms. Sadkovaya, Director of International Relations of Sechenov University.
Dr. Aghajani said: "Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences is one of the country's scientific centers providing health care, education and research, and in fact is a collection of knowledge, services and health.
He also mentioned, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences is currently collaborating with premier universities, emphasizing the further development of these academic relations, and academic cooperation with the Sechenov University could be a guarantee for strengthening the academic relations between the two universities.
According to Dr. Aghajani, holding academic courses, conducting joint research and laboratory activities, scientific conferences, are some of the ways to expand joint scientific cooperation between the two universities. Also, this is one of the most important goals and arrangements for the better use of facilities, capacities and the potential of the university to meet the needs of the community.
He described the formation of joint committees by the two universities in the fields of education, research and international relations as an appropriate solution to achieve the goals of the two universities. Officials from the Sechenov University invited Dr. Aghajani to attend the 260th anniversary of the university's foundation.
On the same day, in coordination with Dr. Mehrdad Faizi, Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs, the Russian delegation visited Modarres Hospital and one of the private hospitals in Tehran. It should be noted that the Sechenov University was founded in 1758 and is considered to be the oldest and largest medical school in Russia, and is currently active in the life sciences.
At the visit of Modares Hospital Dr. Yazdani, Executive Director of the Medical Center, introduced the medical and educational services provided at the Modares Medical Center. Dr. Yazdani also mentioned the development of the health system and the recipients of this plan in the medical centers and the growing attention of the clients to specialized clinics. The Russian representatives visited the specialized sections of the center and the interaction of the students in the treatment process with faculty members.
At the end the Russian delegation met Dr. Mohammad Akbari, Deputy of Vice-Minister of Education of Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Dr. Akbari proposed the development of scientific, educational and research collaboration and the formulation of joint curriculum. He also requested the delegation to provide an opportunity for students interested in continuing their education in Russia to study Russian language courses in Iran. At last, he said Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences will be the coordinator of universities across the country with the Sechenov University. During this visit the Russian delegation was accompanied by the Dr. Mafi, the international affairs advisor and Mr. Ziraksaz from Public Relations Department.