
  • Release date : May 13 2015 - 09:05
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SBMU ranking promoted in ESI ; 12 steps higher than two months ago

Public Relations of Shahid Beheshti Medical University: the latest result of ESI world rankingoftop universities and researchcenters was released in January 2015.

According to this international ranking, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences has reached the world ranking of 570, being promoted by 12 steps forward based on the number of published articles during the last two months. According to this result, most cited articles of SBMU have increased from 27 to 32, and the average number of citation per article has risen from 5/49 to 5/63. Also, Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Shiraz University of Medical Sciences have obtained the first and the third stand with ranking score of 458 and 1360 respectively.

It is notable that this ranking has been based on information collection and analysis of only one percent of the most cited articles in ISI web of science during the last 10 year.

  • News group : PublicNews
  • News code : 17797