
  • Release date : Jul 30 2017 - 12:56
  • View : 1799
  • Visitor : 48
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Signing scientific memorandum of understanding with top tier universities in Europe

 In order to develop and expand our international and scientific collaboration, Dr. Ali Asghar Peyvandi the Chancellor of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences along with his vice-chancellors in research and international affairs had a productive trip to Italy and Portugal and visited University of Milan and University of Porto.

During their visit to Milan the Chancellor and his accompanying delegation visited University of Milan and its associated hospital and also met with the officials from the University of Milan.

In continuation of expansion of scientific collaboration between SBUMS and European scientific and research centers and universities, Dr. Peyvandi continued his journey to Portugal and visited University of Porto.

During his visit in Porto, Professor Azevedo the rector of university hosted the Iranian delegation. At this meeting after Dr. Peyvandi’s speech and his accompanying delegation’s introduction of Shahid Beheshti university of Medical sciences, an MOU was signed in line with scientific and research collaboration.

The outcome of these valuable meetings and agreements were to carry out joint research projects, exchange of researchers and graduate students.

It is worth mentioning that University of Porto was established in 1911 and has 30,640 students and 1,920 faculty members. It also holds the second ranking position in terms of research and number of patients among the prestigious universities in Europe.


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