
  • Release date : Jun 20 2023 - 14:03
  • View : 36
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  • Study time : 1 minute(s)
Vice- Chancellor of International Affairs

Successful organization of the "Global Community Health Annual Workshop" by the UNESCO Chair Global Health, and Education representative and faculty member of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences took place.

The third annual "Global Community Health Annual Workshop" was held by the UNESCO Chair Global Health, and Education for three days on June 13-15 in two shifts, morning and afternoon. Dr. Keshavarz, expert in Health Promotion School of Public Health and Safety from Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, who is one of the Scientific Committee core group members and also a member of the annual workshop steering committee, was among the keynote lecturers on the first day of workshop.

This workshop was broadcasted live in Iran at the Ibn Sina Hall of the Medical School of this university. It is worth mentioning that Dr. Keshavarz was the only Iranian lecturer in this workshop who delivered a speech on "Food Safety" to students and colleagues both in-person and online.

The main topics discussed in this workshop included: 1. Energizing communities for healthier lives 2. Food security, food system and enhancing social action 3. Implications of a life course approach to commercial determinants of health (CDOH). A Latin American perspective 4. The role of youth and lived experience advocates in the future of community-based health 5. Innovate or stagnate 6. Mental health 7. World Mental Health: community engagement and mobilization. One of the most important features of this educational workshop was to aware audience of possible challenges by the organizers at the end of each session, and to receive appropriate responses from the participants. Moreover, more than 60 Persian-speaking attendees from different regions participated in this workshop. At the end of each day, group work was conducted online in different groups, and after completing and submitting the group assignment, an "International Certificate" will be presented to the participants by the UNESCO Chair of Health and Education.

  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 130157


