
  • Release date : Jul 2 2013 - 13:43
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Sudanese Charge-De-Affairs in Tehran visits SBMU Medical Ethics & Law Research Center (MELRC)

Dr. Babakr, the Charge-De-Affairs of the Embassy of Sudan visited the SBMU Medical Ethics & Law Research Center (MELRC) on Wednesday, June, 26. During the visit he met with Dr. Mahmood Abassi, the MELRC Director. In the visit, that Dr. Babakr was accompanied by Dr. Zolfaghartalab from the Islamic Culture & Relations Organization, Dr. Babakr, whose specialty is in International Law, visited different places of the SBMU MELRC, including the library, Department of Medical Ethics, and Department of Medical Law, and was briefed on the process of the production of articles.

Professor Abassi, noted to the outstanding academic programs of the MELRC, including the holding of the three fellowship period programs in Bio-Medical Ethics, and five PhD period admission programs on Medical Ethics, as well as the recent announcement for specialty admission research programs in Medical Law, Bio-Ethics, and medical Sociology all beginning from the next academic year. There are also grounds for admissions of foreign students, and considering the strategic policies of the SBMU Chancellor for academic-scientific, and research collaborations with other nations, especially the Islamic countries, the MELRC Director added they are ready for new admissions.  He also mentioned that the new-establishment of the human sciences and health interdisciplinary school at SBMU would ease the process of such collaborations.

Professor Abassi, who is also the Head of the Iranian Scientific Association of Medical Law (ISAML), while reiterating that along with SBMU MELRC activities, the three-year scientific activities of the Association since its establishment has ranked it on the top of the 287 scientific associations under the affiliation of the Ministry of Health; and the expansion of the activities of the ISAML to the other research, educational, and treatment centers, and also the holding of the many scientific workshops and seminars at the national and international level, noted that the ISAML is a member at the International Association of Medical Ethics. He noted to ISAML’s readiness to open its office in Sudan as well.  

As the meeting proceeded, Professor Abassi noted to the necessity for establishing a union made of the lawyers of all Islamic nations.

Dr. Babakr, Sudanese Charge-De-Affairs in Tehran, while showing his gratitude and appreciation for the visit, noted that he understood the importance of the issue, as he himself is a lawyer, and as such a field does not exist in his country, and also considering the increasing level of medical errors in Sudan, the issue may become very critical in Sudan. He hoped to prepare grounds so the schools of medicine in his country would benefit from establishing such academic fields.

He noted that he had been very much surprised of the ISAML’s scientific, educational and research activities in medical ethics, medical law, bioethics, medical history, and medical fiqh.

Dr. Babakr, Sudanese Charge-De-Affairs in Tehran mentioned that he would negotiate with his country’s medical schools and would prepare grounds for student exchange bilaterally.

  • News group : CongressNews
  • News code : 2699