
  • Release date : Dec 2 2013 - 10:49
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The 14th SBMU Research Festival

will be held at the same time as the National Research Week; it is expected that it would be held better than ever with…

The SBMU Research Festival has been annually held in order to introduce the outstanding figures in science, research, technology, and innovation, as well as to prepare necessary grounds for developing the scientific and research activities. 

The 14th SBMU Research Festival will be held at the same time as the National Research Week; it is expected that it would be held better than ever with the attendance of national high ranking officials, academic staff, and students. 

 Undoubtedly, highlighting the research activities at SBMU and appreciating the outstanding researchers, authors, and translators of the academic works, and also displaying the research activities of the SBMU affiliated sections including research centers, schools, and educational hospitals will not only prepare the grounds for motivation among the SBMU researchers, but will also prepare the situations for collaborations among the researchers for better joint research activities. Moreover, holding such festivals would prepare suitable opportunities for both the authorities and researchers so that they can move the research protocols forward with their joint collaborations globally at the national level and solve the problems positively and basically. Therefore, this will just be a very trivial step to identify and award the researchers. For this, the SBMU Vice- Chancellor Office in Research Affairs has been annually holding the festival since the year 2000.

During the last 13 festivals held, there have been lots of ups and downs; during the first 5 festivals there were only three award winner titles including “The Most Outstanding Researcher”, “The Award Winner Proposal”, and “The Selected Book”. After some revisions, the number of award winners increased following some revisions. From the 8th Festival on, and after some changes in the regulations for award winners, the scientific committees select award winners in different fields including “The Award Winner School”, “The Award Winner Independent Research Center”, The Award Winner Dependent Research Center”, “The Academic Staff Researcher Award Winner”, etc. The changes related to the 13th SBMU Research Festival, while reforming the regulations for the selection of the award winners, has sought to select the research centers considering their time of beginning the activities in two dependent and independent sectors (three years of activity or more), to select the students depending on their level of education (BSC, MSC, PhD General, and PhD), and to award the academic staff and the students who have in some ways achieved national and/or international awards (with the SBMU affiliation), and finally, to select the books and textbooks as well.    

The selection of “The Most Outstanding Website” affiliated to the SBMU, implementing the best indexes for admitting foreign students of the SBMU affiliated centers, which would show the SBMU’s will towards internationalization will also be the part of the 14th SBMU Research Festival. Moreover, in this year’s festival, the “Scientific Veteran” will also be awarded as a sign of appreciation for their scientific activities at the university. There will also be some stands in which the research centers and schools will display their research activities and achievements. It has been decided to select the best stand as well. 

Professor Ahmad Gharehbaghian

The Festival General Secretariat

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