
  • Release date : Oct 2 2013 - 13:45
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The 3rd International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) Workshop

The 3rd International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) Workshop shall be held by the SBMU Neuroscience Research Center for 12 days (Oct/26/2013- Nov/06/2013) in collaboration of Tarbiat Moddares University and the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) and the presence of outstanding international academic staff, researchers, and students entitled “Introducing Neuroscience Molecular, Electrophysiological, and Behavioral Approaches”.

The topics at the workshop include introducing modern and advanced techniques in electrophysiology, molecular biology, and cognitive sciences, as well as the current behavioral methods in neuroscience.

The main goal of the workshop involves introducing the latest achievements in neuroscience, and the exchange of knowledge among PhD students in Asia and Oceania.

Professor Fereshteh Motamedi is the Honorary Secretary of this IBRO Workshop. She is also the Director of the SBMU Research Center for Neuroscience.

The interested organizations, researchers, academic staff, and students may contact www.inss.irfor more information.

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  • News code : 4780