
  • Release date : Jun 25 2013 - 10:46
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The First Hand Transplantation Performed in the Middle East

For the first time in the Middle East, a hand transplantation was performed from a brain-death patient at SBMU Panzadah-E-Khordad Educational Hospital.

For the first time in the Middle East, a hand transplantation was performed from a brain-death patient at SBMU Panzadah-E-Khordad Educational Hospital.

In this 8-hour-long transplantation operation which began at 5 AM, Feb, 28, 2013, the hand of a 28-year old brain-death male patient was donated and transplanted to a 38-year old male whose right-arm wrist had been amputated six years before. This complicated operation was performed in SBMU Panzadah-E-Khordad Educational Hospital’s Hand & Plastic Surgery Team with the presence of Professors Abdol Jalil Kalantar Hormozi, the hospital director, Yavari, the Chairman of the Hand Surgery Unit, and Firoozi, the post-specialist plastic surgeon, as well as their other assistants and colleagues.

 In a press conference following this unique operation, Professor Kalantar Hormozi announced that: “Today, we have witnessed one of the outstanding achievements in organ transplantation at this educational center”. He also noted that following 11 years of research, follow-ups from other sections, and obtaining all Sharia permissions to perform the transplantation, we have shown that in line with the words of our leaders, nothing is impossible in our nation. 

 At the end of the press conference, Professor Kalantar Hormozi, while praising the relatives of the donor for donating their beloved body part, noted that the operation has just been a beginning, and in the future we may be able to see face-transplantations for patients with burns in the face whose research has been done, and we are just waiting for the grounds to perform such complicated operations which will bring our country among the nations doing such complicated operations. 

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  • News code : 2541