
  • Release date : May 15 2023 - 14:22
  • View : 42
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Vice- Chancellor of International Affairs

The active presence of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences at the Regional Congress of World Federation of Medical Education in Iran

The active presence of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences at the Regional Congress of World Federation of Medical Education in Iran, on Wednesday  May10, 2023 with the purpose of evaluating accreditation condition in the majors of general practitioner, and medical specialty at the heart sector of Shahid Rajaie hotel with the presence of the representatives of neighboring countries, the Head of the World Federation of Medical Education (WFME) and the Head of the World Health Organization (WHO) was held.

In this meeting Dr. Zali was the special lecturer of Iran and lectured on the subject of medical specialty accreditation, then he talked about the history and capacities of the country in the field of medical specialty and the importance of accreditation of medical specialty education, process of medical specialty accreditation, introduction of existing potentials, structure of the board of evaluation, and prominent achievements of the Ministry of Health. Then He declared: “Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences is completely ready for sharing its research-educational capacities regarding the accreditation of medical specialty education with other countries of the region.”

Dr. Soliaman Ahmadi, Dean of the Virtual Faculty of Medical Education, Head of the Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Director of National Council of Medical Education also mentioned in their speeches the importance of social responsibility in education, research, providing health services, and accreditation.

Dr. Sharif Kasahani the Vice Chancellor of the International Affairs, Dr. Tohidloo, Executive Vice Chancellor, Dr. Piri, Head of the Directorate, Dr. Haerizadeh, Vice chancellor’s Adviser, the International Accreditation Group, an Official from education department, and an official from medical school while having an active presence at this meeting, perused promoting standard procedures of national and international accreditation.

It is worth mentioning that the accreditation in international level has been a university strategic approach and the international criteria in providing university educational services, besides one of the goals of obtaining validation by the university is providing high-quality education for the applicants in regional and international levels.


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  • News code : 130980



