
  • Release date : Feb 24 2018 - 14:50
  • View : 2018
  • Visitor : 47
  • Study time : 1 minute(s)

The dispatch of 13 emergency medicine specialists from Iranian medical universities to France

The Iran-France Scientific Cooperation Office (IFSCO) with the follow up of Dr. Farhad Heshmati, the president of Medical Association of France-Iran, has sent a delegation of 13 emergency medicine specialists to Paris, France. These specialists were selected by the heads of medical universities in Iran and by the State Emergency Organization. This emergency workshop was carried out at AP-HP hospitals in France from 11 to 19 November 2017 and the hospitals and emergency departments visited were Cochin, Necker, Pitié-Salpêtrière and Hôtel Dieu.

During this visit, the latest technology regarding the pre-hospital and hospital emergency systems (currently running in Paris hospitals), as well as the integrated HIS system and the new guidelines were provided to this group.

Representatives from our university in this group were Dr. Ali Arhami, Chairman of the Department of Emergency Medicine and Dr. Hamid Kariman Head of Imam Hossein Hospital.


It is worth noting that the delegation had a meeting with the honorable Mr. Abolghasem Delphi, Ambassador of Iran at France held at the Iranian embassy in Paris. The Ambassador emphasized on the improvement of the Iranian-French scientific relations and the Embassy's support for the rapid implementation of the processes.

These experiences and training will be a step in the direction of upgrading the country's emergency system. With the collaboration of the Iran-France Scientific Cooperation Office, we are seeing an increase in scientific relations between the two countries and expanding the university ties with France.

  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 55151