
  • Release date : May 9 2022 - 10:53
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The first virtual bilateral cooperation meeting with Mostafa Science and Technology Foundation (pbuh)

On Saturday morning, February 12, 2022, the Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs, Dr. Babak Sharif Kashani hosted the first virtual bilateral cooperation meeting with the Mostafa Science and Technology Foundation. In this meeting, the two sides tried to create an atmosphere of joint cooperation by introducing their capabilities. Dr. Sharif Kashani, emphasized on identifying women scientists in the Islamic world, considering the university's need for a colorful presence of women in this field, considering the goals of sustainable development and moving towards the fourth-generation university. Also, Dr. Okhovatian, Director of Accreditation and Ranking of the Office of Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs, noted the recognition of such potentials by reputable centers with standard indicators, in order to benefit from them as visiting professors of the university. Dr. Omrani, Executive Director of the Mostafa Science and Technology Foundation, pointed out that the potential for bilateral cooperation is currently at a desirable level and expressed interest in exchanging information, holding specialized meetings, and so forth.

  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 113783