
  • Release date : Oct 29 2023 - 13:00
  • View : 198
  • Visitor : 155
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Vice- Chancellor of International Affairs

The gold award from International Invention and Trade Expo London 2023 (ITE) was awarded to students of SBMU

The gold award from International Invention and Trade Expo London 2023 (ITE) was awarded to Ms. Aida Jamali, Occupational Health and Safety Engineering student of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences

The gold award from International Invention and Trade Expo London 2023 (ITE) was awarded to Ms. Aida Jamali, Occupational Health and Safety Engineering student of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, for her invention of a smart electromagnetic boiler suit with the ability to warn if all components of protective equipment are not fully used by the individual and send each individual’s information to the safety expert.

Moreover, she received a special award from the authorities of this country.  

  • News group : PublicNews
  • News code : 133839


