
  • Release date : Sep 16 2019 - 09:38
  • View : 750
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The second international conference and exhibition of health tourism was held in Ardebil, Iran with the presence of members of the ECO

The conference was opened on Tuesday, June 18, 2019 at 11am for two days at the University of Mohaghegh Ardebili, with the presence of ECO Secretary General, representatives of the ECO, members of the Health Policy Council and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health and Medical Education, Iran Medical Council, Tourism Organization and officials of Ardebil province. 

On the sidelines of this conference, an exhibition of medical universities, health tourism agencies, private hospitality facilitators, public and private hospitals, insurance companies and science and technology parks was established.  All participants presented their own achievements in the field of health tourism and provided the capabilities of their International Patient Departments (IPD).

 In this regard, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and the experts of the Office of Vice-Chancellor of International Affairs introduced teaching hospitals and a map covering the university's treatment centers in Tehran. The experts also answered clients  questions regarding the information gathered through interviewing clients.




  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 79844