
  • Release date : Nov 20 2018 - 12:26
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The third graduation ceremony of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences on Monday 27th of August at Espinas Palace Hotel

At this magnificent ceremony, Dr. Aghajani, chancellor of the university, Board of trustees, faculty members and about 800 students from different disciplines and their families were present.

At this celebration, all the graduates were called on to stage, and for the first time the university flag was donated to each of them by the faculty members of the university.

Dr Aghajani addressed the graduates by a short speech: This success has two sides: on one hand you and the professors who paved the way for you and on the other hand your parents who have provided you the support and sacrifice their lives for your progress and prosperity. All of this has led you to professional ethics and prepared your new journey in the health organization of the country.

In the past 59 year and since the establishment of the university, 66000 students have been graduated from Shahid Beheshti University of medical sciences. In 1969, we have had the first graduate in medicine and in 1970 in dentistry. Furthermore, he announced that the training oof more than 8000 specialists and 1000 PhD students is another prestigious achievement of the SBUMS.

Later, Dr. Khodkhodazadeh, the vice-chancellor of cultural affairs stated that life defines in two words: hope and motivation.  The National University presented this slogan in 1959 and the vice-chancellor of cultural affairs tries continuously to make it happen.

At the end of the ceremony, Dr. Tabatabaei, faculty member of the university, repeated the Hippocratic sentences with all the graduates.

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  • News code : 66455