
  • Release date : Sep 7 2024 - 17:16
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World Directory of Medical Schools, 5 year MBBS program is officially recognized on WDOMS website

Based on the latest updates on the the World Directory of Medical Schools, the MBBS 5-year program is now officially recognized on the WDOMS website.

WDOMS is a global organization dedicated to the education and training of medical doctors. Its mission is to enhance healthcare for individuals by improving the quality of medical education globally and upholding the highest scientific and ethical standards.

 The MD program was previously recognized by WDOMS, and now, through the efforts of SBMU officials, the MBBS program has also received verification. This marks another significant milestone in achieving global acknowledgment and accreditation for our university.

 For more details, please visit our page on WDOMS official website:  link

  • News group : PublicNews,Archive
  • News code : 145932