Activities performed by the visiting professor - Dr. Hadi Mohsenibod
Transfer of knowledge and experience on patients' beds during their stay in Tehran to residents, fellows and PICU attending’s of Mofid hospital.
• Holding theory classes - the topics presented are as follows:
- blood pressure and CVP monitoring in the PICU; practical procedures and pitfalls.
- Practical point-of-care bedside echocardiography -POCUS- in children, three views of sub-costal, apical, and parasternal windows.
- Qualitative and quantitative assessment of the left and right ventricular function at the bedside using POCUS
- Assessment of the right ventricular pressure using the TR jet and septum position and geometry
- POCUS in assessment of trauma (FAST)
- Ultrasound of the optic nerve sheath and its use in the assessment of ICP intracranial pressure
- Bedside cranial ultrasound in infants
- Management of severe DKA in Children
- Principles of Continuous Renal Replacement Therapies (CRRT) in the PICU
The presence of Dr. Hadi Mohseni later as the guest international speaker at the 17th Congress of Emergencies and Common Diseases of Pediatrics
Activities performed by the visiting professor - Dr. Luis Mockel:
- Presence of Dr. Luis Mockel as a keynote speaker at the International Panel of the New Health Sciences Conference
- Participating in a research project as a partner in designing and consulting a joint doctoral dissertation with Hamadan University of Medical Sciences
- Board member of the editorial board of Frontiers in Public Health
- Participate in the planning of the March webinar of the department of health in Disasters and Emergencies
Activities performed by the visiting professor - Dr. Jafar Golzarian
- Participating in the face-to-face meeting of the radiology department of the educational round and presenting a lecture on the significant cases of interventional radiology with the presence of professors and residents of radiology on 12/23/2021.
- Attending the training meeting of the Intervention Fellowship in December 2021
- Providing online consultation on intervention cases
- Consulting and participating in the research work of the department of radiology
Activities performed by the visiting professor - Dr. Karan Kverno
- Joint International Teaching in the Department of Management and Psychiatric Nursing, School of Nursing and Midwifery, with the participation of Johns Hopkins University
- Partnership in Grand Project of Department entitled: "Assessing the effectiveness of integrated and population-based psycho-spiritual self care package on personal and social performance and health-related quality of life of individuals with non-comunicable disease" including 5 MSc level thesis in joining with Social Determinant of Health Center of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
- Invitation of Dr. Fataneh Ghadirian ,one of faculty members of department as Editorial Board of Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services (Impact=1.6) by recommendation letter of Karan Kvern
- Joint Specialized Webinar: "Expanding of Psychiatric Nursing Role into Population-based care setting in Mental Health"; February 13, 2022

Activities performed by the visiting professor Dr. Mohseni Bod(The third &fourthChapter)
- Forming a weekly virtual group to review complex ICU cases.
- Forming a weekly virtual journal club to review and analyze the latest articles in the field of pediatric special care.